Today encountered Peter Rabbit Google

Heartbeats – The Knife

…r.o.l.l. a.w.a.y d.o.w.n.t.h.e.h.i.l.l..

One Management Launches

Really the most innovative web site we have seen in a long time.

Plus Strawberry Shortcake makes an appearance

Chanel Mobile Art Fair: Fabrice Hyber

Fabrice Hyber, a French Artist, of the Purest Science codes his work…

“…conceived in the form of a gigantic rhizome that develops on a principal of echoes.”

“… Each piece is but an intermediary and evolving stage of this “work in progress” which spreads like a proliferation of the thought, establishing links and exchanges…”


...the proverbial rhizome of Hyber!

New York Times:: Plants have Friends

Today the Science Times features an article on Plants and their families:

“…And not only does this plant recognize its kin, but it also gives them preferential treatment.”

PowerHouse Books: Forest Defenders

Powerhouse released a Book called Forest Defenders, an environmental treatise on the decimation of the Old Growth Forests that has taken place during our current governmental administration.

This is my old home and these forests one of my loves…a treasure we should not lose.

“>La Marca, have a look:

Design & the Elastic Mind…Our Brains getting props

What brought me to this was the imagery designed was the

Rococo- Sexual Revolution in a line

Elements of line and sex that must have been almost sinister and teasing in such a chaste period.

At Cooper Hewitt Design Museum:

Purple Anthology

Next Week, will be sick

Hot Science

It just doesnt get any Hotter Science than this.